
At her desk

Change the Words

Never Give Up‘Never give up’ came up again when I made a visit back ‘home’ to the Federal Writers’ Group.

Our ‘show-and-tell’ of rejection letters was interesting.

I had my first from a publisher, (about a month ago) and while it was a positive letter with heaps of feedback about my manuscript and writing style, my book was rejected on the grounds that it wouldn’t stand out in a competitive market.

While this is part of becoming a writer, your first rejection, no matter how ‘nicely’ worded, is hard to take.

A small part of me had unrealistically hoped they would say – yes, of course we want your book.

Oh, how I wished it could have been that easy.

So never give up came up again. The rejection letter reinforced my drive.

I tackled my manuscript with fresh eyes and took the radical step of deleting the first half of the book (about 30,000 words) and beginning the story where the action started. I think the book is all the better for it.

I’ll be changing more of the words, rearranging others and giving my manuscript a face lift. I can’t wait.

Never Give Up, taken near Bangalow by Susanna Freymark. Resident, Richard Jones said he saw a woman standing on her car bonnet reaching up to add the word Never, to the sign that had been changed to read Give Up. The sign is located on the road next to the drug rehabilitation centre. You’ve gotta love the north coast.



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